Patch Notes

This endpoint returns the patch notes for the specified client version. It requires 2 seperate requests to actually obtain the content.

Host Authentication XBL 3.0

There may not be patch notes available for every client version, so beware.

Making the requests

POST /v1/catalog/items/search



    "count": true,
    "filter": {
        "contentType": "PatchNotes",
        "platforms": [
        "tags": [
        "titleId": "896928775"

Once you have done that, you should get a response like the following example from 1.2.10:

    "count": 1,
    "results": [
            "score": 1.0,
            "document": {
                "productId": "G009SV5T6D3Z",
                "title": "1.2.10 Update!",
                "description": "",
                "contentType": "PatchNotes",
                "scids": [
                "platforms": [
                "tags": [
                "visibility": "Public",
                "creatorId": "2535448579972708",
                "creatorGamertag": "DampKeyboard157",
                "thumbnailUrl": "",
                "creationDate": "2018-02-07T18:58:17.506+00:00",
                "lastModifiedDate": "2018-02-07T20:47:19.286+00:00",
                "custom": {
                    "minClientVersion": "1.2.10",
                    "offers": [
                    "revision": ""

Now we can make the second request.

GET /v1/catalog/items/{productId}


which returns something like

    "id": "G009SV5T6D3Z",
    "title": {
        "neutral": "1.2.10 Update!"
    "description": {
        "neutral": ""
    "contentType": "PatchNotes",
    "scids": [
    "platforms": [
    "tags": [
    "sandbox": "RETAIL",
    "minimumClientVersion": "1.2.10",
    "creationDate": "2018-02-07T18:58:17.5067607+00:00",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2018-02-07T20:47:19.2869454+00:00",
    "startDate": "2017-10-04T15:00:00+00:00",
    "visibility": "Public",
    "contentUrls": [
    "contents": [
            "contentId": "1862ca1b-0000-0000-7a48-65058884e5f9",
            "contentType": "publicmod",
            "contentUri": ""
    "creatorId": "2535448579972708",
    "creatorGamertag": "DampKeyboard157",
    "images": [
            "id": "86f71573-562b-4aac-b296-bde3f800ec3b",
            "uri": "",
            "imagePurpose": "Thumbnail",
            "imageTag": "Thumbnail",
            "imageType": "Thumbnail",
            "height": -1,
            "width": -1
    "custom": {
        "minClientVersion": "1.2.10",
        "offers": [
        "revision": ""

Now we can get the compressed patch note files. In the JSON we just received, find the contentUrls array and download the file from the URL provided.

If we were to use the above example, the URL would be Just visit the URL in a browser or download it programically :)

The file downloaded is actually a compressed zip file, despite the exstension being .mod, so just rename it to .zip and open it.