List Realms

This endpoint returns all the realms that you are a part of.

Host Authentication XBL 3.0

Constructing the request

GET /worlds



Once you have done that, you should get a response like the following example which has been stripped down to save space (just remember to loop through the servers array).

    "servers": [
            "id": 1800696,
            "remoteSubscriptionId": "21d5f30194434e40b42bfa91dd7cd22c",
            "owner": "",
            "ownerUUID": "2535459632708673",
            "name": "lukeeey21's Realm",
            "motd": "",
            "state": "OPEN",
            "daysLeft": -1,
            "expired": true,
            "expiredTrial": false,
            "gracePeriod": false,
            "worldType": "NORMAL",
            "players": null,
            "maxPlayers": 10,
            "minigameName": null,
            "minigameId": null,
            "minigameImage": null,
            "activeSlot": 1,
            "slots": null,
            "member": false,
            "clubId": 3379870294579661

Once you have got the id of the realm you want to get more info about, you have a few options: