Minecraft Url Scheme

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on Android and Windows 10 (not sure about other platforms) registers a custom url scheme. This means that you can launch the app from a web browser, but it also means you can do a few other cool things :)

The only downside is that you cannot enter these directly into the address bar, they need to be a link on a website or a bookmark. You also can’t click the links from Github.

Launching Education Edition

Yes, you read it right. You can launch Minecraft: Education Edition from a browser. It works on Android too!

Link - minecraft:?edu=1

Add an External Server

For all you server owners out there, you can add an external server from a link. The format is name|ip:port, so for LBSG:

Link - minecraft:?addExternalServer=Lifeboat|sg.lbsg.net:19132

Show Store on Startup

This link will open Minecraft and, instead of showing the home screen, immediatly open the store screen.

Link - minecraft:?showStoreHomeScreen=1

It seems that showStoreOffer is also the same as showStoreHomeScreen, so you could use that if you wanted.

Accept Realms Invite

There are actually 2 ways to accept a realms invite from the browser. The first one actually uses the second method but it has a pretty interface.

Method 1
Visit https://open.minecraft.net/pocket/realms/invite/{id}, where {id} is the realms invite code. For example: lpomEvbo88E is mine at the time of writing.

Method 2
If you want to completely skip the interface, just use minecraft://acceptRealmInvite?inviteID={id}